Category: Blog post

Down with Thinking!

I have just published a post on my Clouds I Have Seen newsletter.

If you have been reading any of my posts over the last couple of years, you know that I struggle with motivation. I started re-reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, and he details the destruction that Resistance can have not only on your creative life but also on the rest of your life.

Are you wondering why you can’t lose weight? Resistance. Are you wondering why you can’t be more organized? Resistance. In other words, thinking too much is a bad thing. There is a beautiful simplicity in just doing it [whatever ‘it’ is] and not thinking. I was going to post that I have waged war on Resistance, but I am waging a war on thinking too much. Join me.

To that end, I have begun revision work on Plain Deception. I am adapting it from a screenplay I wrote and my word counts will be off until I work through the formatting adaptations. But I will continue to work and update.

Until next time.

New Newsletter

Hello and Happy New Year, even though it is February!

I have decided to start a newsletter, Clouds I Have Seen, on Creativity and the pursuit of it. I also want to create an audience for when I shop my novel. One of my goals this year is to get a book deal and a literary agent, and next year, to sell a screenplay and get a manager. What can I say? I was told to dream big.

I’m still involved in a love-hate relationship with Chat GPT, so that hasn’t changed. I have been working on my screenplay, Deniable, one beat at a time. I have found it difficult to go back and forth from novel writing to screenplay writing, but because my goal is to get a literary agent and a book deal, I better figure it out fast!

So sign up and join me on my creative journey.

Until next time!

Where’s the crow?

Earlier this year, I posted about an experiment I conducted with Chat GPT. My initial reaction was underwhelming, and I wrote, “It’s pretty dry …”

I was so wrong. I took a ScreenwritingU class taught by Hal Croasmun, titled “AI for Screenwriters” and wow, I was so, so wrong. The trick is in the prompts. It is a continuation of the old adage, Garbage In, Garbage Out. Enter the correct prompt and get, in return, valuable information. It is most valuable when brainstorming.

So, I will choose to eat crow on this and keep an eye out for further AI advancements.

Progress Report

So, I’m off work this week and have been planning on working on my edits. Today, I finally did!
I have updated the page count tracker on the right.

I think what is most interesting about this editing process (I am working on five pages at a time if the scene allows) is that I am learning as I’m writing. I’m one of those people who skims, but you really can’t do that when you are writing a screenplay.

Writing about nothing

I am reading this really great book, You’re a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) by Jeff Goins.

One of his points (and everyone who coaches writers says the same thing) is to write every day, even if it sucks. Anne Lamont in particular says this. So here is my writing for today. As you can see from my progress bar, I have been working on an action-thriller screenplay called Deniable. Screenplays are usually 90-100 pages and I only have 72.

I need more action but don’t really know how to write it.

That statement above is a lie. I probably could write action scenes, but the thing with me is that I always think I need more education, more training, and more knowledge. This mindset probably came from my high school English teacher, she knows who she is. Talk about discouraging. This woman criticized everything I wrote and refused to let me take Poetry. Bah.

The irony of this situation is that I have, so far, made a living from writing. So maybe I don’t need more education?

I am a lifelong runner, with the hip problems to prove it. I have run for over 42 years following this advice: The less I think about it and just do it, the more successful I am. This philosophy can and should carry over to my writing. 10 minutes at a time without thinking.

I started this rambling blog post because I wanted to get writing done and I do feel better. I will now start editing Deniable. Watch my progress bar!


ChatGPT: An Experiment

You’ve probably heard about ChatGPT, a language-processing tool that lets you have human-like conversations with a chatbot. Of course, I had to try it. I asked it to write a blog post about writing and here it is:


Writing is a powerful tool that allows us to express our thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a clear and concise manner. Whether it be through a novel, a blog post, a letter, or even a simple email, writing is a skill that is essential in today’s world.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when writing is to have a clear purpose and audience in mind. This will help you to stay focused and ensure that your writing is tailored to the specific needs of your readers.

Another important aspect of writing is to pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. These details may seem small, but they can make a big difference in the clarity and professionalism of your writing.

It’s also important to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary. This will help to keep your writing interesting and engaging for the reader. Using a thesaurus and a style guide can also be helpful in expanding your vocabulary and improving the overall quality of your writing.

One of the most challenging parts of writing is often getting started. One way to overcome this is to set a regular writing schedule. Whether it be a certain time of day or a certain number of days per week, having a set schedule can help to make writing a regular part of your routine.

Finally, don’t be afraid to edit and revise your work. Writing is a process, and it’s not uncommon for it to take several drafts before a piece is ready for publication. Be willing to take the time to make necessary changes and improvements.

In conclusion, writing is a vital skill that can be used in a variety of ways. By keeping a clear purpose and audience in mind, paying attention to grammar and punctuation, using a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary, setting a regular writing schedule, and being willing to edit and revise your work, you can improve your writing skills and produce high-quality written materials.


It’s pretty dry and not filled with my regular wit and keen observations about life (ha!). I can see where it would be useful for business correspondence but I need personality and excitement.